Sunday, January 18, 2015


RE-Lecture is a YouTube channel I created and curate with advanced engineering problems that I make when I do my homework.

How often do you look for a video to get help on your homework. Probably pretty often. But the trouble is, as you get into tougher stuff the videos become more of the lectures that your professor already gave you and less of an answer to your problem.

RE-Lecture is a way to cure this, by keeping the student's perspective on problems so that the videos can help other students. I am working to get other capable students involved in filming their homework so that when someone in a 400 level class needs help they don't get a lecture from a professor, but an explanation by someone else who also had to figure it out and understands what they're going through.

We lecture is also great for those making the videos. I have turned the channel into a revenue stream and explaining my work out loud so that others can understand helps me retain it better as well.

The first batch of videos I made had terrible sound. But since I'm getting over 1000 views a week now I have upgraded my equipment to make RE-Lecture a professional channel as opposed to an amateur one.

Here is one of my first and most popular videos on a robotics topic.

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